Sep 29, 2010

No IPO Till 2012: Facebook Director, Peter Thiel
Despite a lot of talk about a Facebook initial public offering, early investor and director Peter Thiel says dont count on it up until 2012. He only reaffirmed what Facebook has been saying all along:no plans for an IPO anytime soon. At an event today, he pointed out that the company is worth over $30 billion.Thiel, who was extremely critical of the regulatory environment, was speaking to Fox Business about what comes next for technology.
Of course, we cant take that for an answer. After all, theres widespread belief in Silicon Valley that Mark Zuckerberg is going to lead us to the promised land. Thiel said the company is taking a cue from Google and will wait. Not surprisingly, he was also critical of the movie, The Social Network, but he added that it might help send the important message: Its cool to build great companies in America.
Thiel thinks there are a lot of potential opportunities for technology over next few decades. Technology is a story of two sectors: computers, which was left unregulated and energy and drugs where progress is very slow. Thiel rightly points out that the speed of progress has slowed. U.S. can be a frontier country in doing new things in new industries.
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How to Measure Social Media Advertising
Shopping Matters When It Comes to Location-Based Apps
Four Ways Facebook Can Conquer Mobile

10 Tips for Establishing Your Business Facebook Page Campaign and Setup
How to create a non-spammy Facebook Fanpage Campaign for your business.

Facebook Infests Everything! Living in Zuckerberg's Social New World Order
Has the site made us less human? Does the rise of social networking signal the end of Western civilization as we know it? We have no idea. What we do know, though, is that it's definitely put us in situations that would've never been possible before the dawn of the Facebook Era. Whether it's in the workplace, around the dinner table, in the bedroom or at family reunions, Facebook has infested virtually every facet of our lives -- and even some afterlives.

Sep 28, 2010

Top 5 Emerging Brand Trends on Facebook
Big brands are finally keyed in to the power of social marketing on Facebook, and they're launching some impressive campaigns. Keep an eye on these 5 important trends.

Why Dog Urine is the Real Facebook
On the occasion of David Fincher's new film, a status update on the evolutionary biology of Facebook.

Success Story of Facebook

Law Enforcement Wants To Be Able To 'Tap' Skype, Facebook and BlackBerry Emails
It appears that law enforcement officers are finding it too difficult to track the Facebook messages

Peter Thiel: Facebook Won’t IPO Until 2012 At The Earliest
Facebook's first investor Peter Thiel told Fox Business today that Facebook will not IPO until 2012. Earlier this summer, Bloomberg reported that Facebook was holding off on its IPO for another two years and Thiel seems to confirm this line of thinking.

Thiel says that Facebook wants to follow the example of Google, and doesn't want to IPO until late in the process (which he claims is a byproduct of Sarbanes Oxley and other regulation).

Facebook goes offline due to unknown technical fault; some users able to access site - BNO News
Facebook goes offline due to unknown technical fault; some users able to access site - BNO News

TheLikestream, Digg For Facebook "Likes" (Alexia Tsotsis/TechCrunch)
Alexia Tsotsis / TechCrunch:
TheLikestream, Digg For Facebook Likes Built by former Scribd developer Ed McManus, Facebook Like aggregator TheLikestream launches today after six weeks of work. Capitalizing on the waning appeal of Digg post-redesign and the popularity of the Facebook Like button

Facebook Now Worth More Than Dell, eBay, Yahoo or Starbucks on Paper
Did you know that Facebook is worth more than Research in Motion, Starbucks, Dell, Yahoo, Adobe, Intuit or eBay? That's according to a wide variety of investments and valuations that have shot Facebook's stock into the stratosphere.Although Facebook is a private company, investors have been buying and selling shares of the Silicon Valley darling in private transactions and through services such as SecondMarket and SharesPost for some time now.Facebook's actual value depends on who you ask, though. Forbes thinks it's worth $23 billion. SharesPost pins its value at $26.3 billion. And finally, The Financial Times says it's a $33 billion company.These valuations are based on real-world trades and transactions. Still, you can't help but be bewildered by Facebook's soaring worth. In February 2009, Facebook valued itself at $3.7 billion. By November 2009, it tripled to $9.5 billion. And since then, it's more than tripled again in value, if you rely on these private transactions for Facebook's valuation.Facebook's Value in PerspectiveLet's reflect on Facebook's $33 billion valuation relative to publicly traded companies. If Facebook is worth $33 billion (just play along), then what companies does it trump in value? We wondered that too, so we referred to the NASDAQ to find out.While Facebook still has a ways to go before it surpasses Google, Microsoft or Apple, it does beat or even dwarf some of the world's most iconic companies. Oh, and we're talking about companies with tens of thousands of employees (for comparison, Facebook has roughly around 1,500).Here's a short list of the companies that are worth less than Facebook, as well as their current market capitalizations:eBay: $32 billionCostco: $27.5 billionResearch in Motion: $26 billionDell: $23.8 billionStarbucks: $19.2 billionYahoo: $19.1 billionStaples: $14.8 billion Intuit: $14.3 billionAdobe: $14 billionHeck -- Yahoo and Adobe could announce a merger and its value would barely equal the value of Facebook. If you divided Facebook's worth between its 1,500 employees, you'd end up with $22 million per employee. Note that eBay has 15,000 employees and Starbucks has more than 120,000.Breaking Down the NumbersWe're not here to rip on Facebook or say that it is not worth $23 billion... or $26 billion... or $33 billion. We're here to put those numbers in perspective, though.Facebook is still a private company that hasn't completely figured out the profit equation. While it should surpass $1 billion in revenue this year, its infrastructure costs are also high.eBay, while not as sexy, brought in $2.215 billion in revenue during just the second quarter of this year.Facebook is benefiting greatly from both hype and high expectations for its future ability to generate revenue and dominate markets. There are legitimate reasons for the optimism and high valuation, though: it has more than 500 million users, rapid growth and Silicon Valley's best and brightest talent. It would be silly not to applaud Facebook for everything it has done, and all signs point to its value continuing to go north, not south.
Here's our word of caution, though: Facebook's ultimate worth won't be established until the day it has its IPO. There's a lot that could happen between now and then. Until that time, don't forget to put Facebook's rapidly growing valuation in perspective.Image courtesy of InfostheticsFor more Business coverage:Follow Mashable Business on TwitterBecome a Fan on FacebookSubscribe to the Business channelDownload our free apps for iPhone and iPad

Obama Vs Hillary Clinton on Facebook
Yeah, I’ve got Facebook on here and everything. Let me send you… wait, someone killed me in Mafia Wars?

Sep 27, 2010

Video: Facebook boss gives $100 million to citysschools
Mark Zuckerberg, founder of the social networking site Facebook, is reportedly donating $100 million to improve Newark, N.J.s troubled school system. CNBCs Trish Regan reports.(Today Show)

34 Creative Examples of Facebook Fan Page Design
Here is a list of 34 Facebook fan pages which have plied creative designs to make their pages eye catching and captivating. Creative designs play important role in alluring viewers and these pages know it very well. Explore the art of captivating viewers!

Page Browser Officially Launched : A Perfect Way To Discover Interesting Facebook Pages
Discover Facebook Pages with the help of Facebook official tool - Page Browser. Page Browser will help you to find interesting Pages on the basis of your country etc.
Read More... The "Facebook Competitor"
The new "Facebook Competitor" is nearing it's much anticipated launch of 2010. Sign Up Now!

‘The Social Network’ Causing Facebook Backlash?
Before you watch 'The Social Network' movie, Read This! Is it Causing MASSIVE Facebook Backlash?

Sep 26, 2010

Doctors caught revealing secret patient information in Facebook posts
Doctors have been disclosing sensitive medical information - and even mocking patients - on Facebook.

Methods to Attain Facebook Friends
If you'd like to incorporate Facebook as a marketing medium, you are going to need a bunch of friends. In order for someone to take you very seriously on Facebook, your fan page needs to have a few fans, and for that to occur, you're going to have to make a few Facebook friends.

5 Reasons Why Facebook-branded Phone is More Reality Than Fiction
Facebook-branded phone makes sense. The name recognition could help it sell, and the marketing opportunities are huge.

Sep 25, 2010

Facebook Unveils Recommended Subscriptions
What do you get when you combine the biggest collection of personal taste data in history with the world's easiest method of subscribing to syndicated content? In theory, one of the most potent recommendation engines around. Facebook quietly unveiled a new feature today called the Page Browser and though everything about it is quite understated - it could prove to be a very big deal.

Users must navigate directly to the Page Browser, there doesn't appear to be any link from the main interface. The page shows big icons for a list of pages Facebook thinks you might like; click on one and you'll "Like" it. Of course Facebook has succeeded by making very potent interactions seem simple from the outside - and this new feature is more of the same.

Facebook could probably offer recommendations that were almost perfectly within your taste profile, but these recommendations aren't and I'm guessing that's intentional. Users would likely be frightened by just how effectively Facebook can predict their interests and it's good to introduce people to a wider variety of topics than they would get if pure fidelity was the goal.

Everyone's page looks a little different. I didn't think mine looked very personalized, until I looked at the page in my wife's account. (I was jealous of some of her recommendations.)

Recommendations are like the search you never knew you wanted to perform. If search defined, and funded, the last phase of the web - it seems quite likely that recommendation will play that role in the next phase of the web. All the more reason it's strange that a feature like this is being treated so casually by the company.

What Facebook Means When it Says You "Like" Something

What does it mean to "Like" something in Facebook? It's a simple action to take, but it means a whole lot.

It means a user commits a act of brand evangelism, as the fact that they Liked what they did is broadcast out into the newsfeeds of all their friends.
It means a user adds a link to that brand to their personal profile page, most likely forever. "Unliking" something is not something the Facebook interface design makes easy to do.
Most important: To Like in Facebook parlance is to subscribe to updates from a publisher, indefinitely into the future. One click and updates from Britney Spears, or Radio Lab, appear side by side with baby pictures of your nieces and status updates from your Mom. And you just said you liked Britney Spears!

The Page Browser feature now gives you a continuously scrolling set of big pictures to reach out and click on. Click, click, click - subscribing to scores more feeds of updates from various publishers becomes easier than ever before.

It's a very potent addition to the site. It will be interesting to see how much it catches on and how much Facebook pushes it.

Will brands bid to have their pages recommended to users with various demographic and taste profiles? That's what Twitter is believed to be planning for user account recommendations on its site soon. We'll have to watch and see what Facebook does.

Facebook Officially Launches Page Browser to Help You Like Stuff
Today, Facebook has officially rolled out its new feature for helping you discover Facebook Pages. Called Page Browser, the tool was briefly available to users earlier this month.Page Browser is simply a collection of Facebook Pages, highlighted through Page photos, that users can sift through to discover and quickly Like Pages of interest. Facebook says that the experience also provides a favorable browsing experience for discovering interest-related content like searching for a movie to rent.Not too much has changed to Page Browser since it unofficially appeared on the scene. Pages are still organized into nine different categories including Music, Sports, Celebrities, Movies and Games. Youll also still see the country drop-down menu for accessing popular Pages by country, and the Friends similar to you with a count of their corresponding Likes in common in the right-hand sidebar.Now that Page Browser is an official Facebook product, we can expect to see it evolve over time. We also anticipate that Page Browser will become a part of the Facebook on-boarding experience for new users. For Facebook, Page Browser is the perfect tool to facilitate new user engagement and ensure that members keep coming back for their Facebook Page activity fix.More About: facebook, facebook pages, page browserFor more Social Media coverage:Follow Mashable Social Media on TwitterBecome a Fan on FacebookSubscribe to the Social Media channelDownload our free apps for iPhone and iPad

What Caused Facebook’s Worst Outage in Four Years
The massive Facebook outage on Thursday was the site's worst in more than four years, the company says.

Best Facebook Applications for Music | LetMovie.Com
Here are 10 best of best music applications that will enhance your facebook profile like never before. We make this list after so much search and handwork and we are very much sure that you people will have so much fun with them.

How Did We Spend The Facebook Outage?
How Did We Spend The Faceb...
While it was likely just a marketing ploy for "The Social Network," the Facebook outage affected everyone. So what'd we do?
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Facebook Has Quietly Implemented A De-Facto Follow Feature
A few days ago, Facebook made what seemed to be a small tweak to its Friend Requests area. As first noted by Inside Facebook, the social network changed the way friend rejections work. Previously, you could either Confirm or Ignore (deny) a request. Now, Ignore has beenreplacedby Not Now. This new option takes some of the pressure of you having to reject people as it instead moves them into a state of limbo, where theyre neither accepted nor rejected. But it actually does a lot more as well.
You see, when someone requests to be your friend on Facebook, this automatically subscribes them to all of your public (Everyone) posts in their News Feed. Facebook doesnt talk about this much, but its a very real feature, which we reported on in July of last year. You see these posts until this person rejects you (because obviously if they accept you as a friend, youll keep seeing them). So with this new Not Now button, and the removal of the simple rejection mechanism, Facebook has basically created a de-facto follow feature.
With the Not Now button, Facebook took what was a one-step rejection and made it at least two steps and thats only if you want to truly block somebody (after you click the Not Now button, they ask Dont know XXXX XXXX? and if you click that, it will block them from making any further friend requests). If you just want to deny a persons request without blocking them, you have to go the the Requests page the limbo area that Facebook sends the Not Now people to. This area isnt particularly easy to find; its buried in the Friends -> Find Friends area. In other words, its now quite a few steps simply to reject a persons friend request as you previously could.
Facebook has to know that most people are probably going to hit this Not Now button once and forget about it. And thats exactly why this change creates a de-facto follow feature. Its not really a feature theyve explicitly created, but it exists nonetheless. And thanks to this change, its going to be in use a lot more.
Its almost as if theyre saying as long as you dont want to block this person, why not let them follow you?

Now, to be clear, all of this information seen by followers is information that is already public. A random person could visit your profile page and see all of this stuff. But its interesting that for pending friends (which again, will now be a ton of people), Facebook starts pumping this into peoples News Feeds. Remember, this was basically the cause of one of the early backlashes against Facebook when the News Feed was first implemented. Even though it was just showing information that everyone already had access to, it was doing it in a more streamlined way that freaked everyone out. Now theyre doing something similar again, just in a more stealth manner.
For its part, Facebook says this feature is to help with overly aggressive friending behavior (someone continually friending you over and over again after you keep rejecting them). But wouldnt it just have been easier to put a more obvious Block button in the Friend Requests area? Instead, this feature allows the social network to slyly beef up its social graph a bit more with a feature I think they need anyway: follow.
Cue the music on Project Dance Party.

Facebook desktop brings Facebook to you with no need for a web browser.
Facebook desktop brings Facebook to you with no need for a web browser.

Sep 24, 2010

Mark Zuckerberg Actor Admits He Doesn't Use Facebook
Actor Jesse Eisenberg and director David Fincher of 'The Social Network' created a movie about Facebook and its founder Mark Zuckerberg that lays out the controversial story behind its inception, and yet ... neither of them actually uses Facebook.

6 Interesting Scientific Findings About Facebook Users
Why Friday mornings are the best time for posting updates, and five other recent conclusions from the emerging field of "Facebook studies"

Microsoft takes PC vs. Mac trolling to Facebook

Microsoft has launched a PC versus Mac campaign on Facebook, via its Windows Australia account. The page is under its own "PC or MAC" tab, where users can try to pick who the PC user is based on uploaded pictures, and then share their results with their Facebook friends.

There's even an option to upload your own photo and fill out a "PC or Mac personality survey" for others to guess "where your allegiances lie." In addition to the usual questions, the survey asks what you associate with (cocktails or beer, safety or risks, folder or "scruncher," texting or calling, dj or bands, voyeur or performer) as well as five yes or no "have you ever" questions (borrowed someone else's ID, forgotten mother's day, "wagged" school, gone skinny dipping, or snuck into a cinema without paying). Some of the answers are used on the main page when your picture is paired with another's so that users can pick who the PC user is, while the rest live in your profile.

Every week there is a HP Pavilion dv6-3030TX Notebook and a copy of Windows 7 Home Premium you can win for describing in 25 words or less "How you would use a Windows 7 laptop to get off a desert[ed] island."

Microsoft's plan is to break the stereotype that Apple started with its "Get a Mac" campaign that ended a couple of months ago (i.e., PC user = older business type, Mac user = young and cool). Last month, Microsoft added a PC versus Mac section to its Windows 7 website, and is now taking the trolling to Facebook.

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Facebook Sells Your Friends
How Facebook plans to leverage its 550 million users into the greatest advertising juggernaut since O.K., only since Google. That's still huge

Facebook working with INQ on Android phones?
Remember all of those rumors we had about a Facebook phone? And how it will do Android?
Now the rumors are going around that The Social Network is working with mobile phone maker INQ Mobile to come up with a phone that will make Facebook even more awesome to those that love it so! Considering that the INQ1 had very tight integration with Facebook, this could be the Facebook phone.
If this is true, then these devices should hit Europe in the first half of 2011 and then hit the US in the second half.
Related PostsIf there is a Facebook Phone, it will do AndroidWouldn't you know it? As soon as we get busy talking about the rumor of the Facebook phone, there s...Facebook Android app now available

BlackBerry and iPhone owners have had their own native Facebook app for some time now but the sa...Somehow, a Facebook phone rumor got startedI don't know if Facebook really needs any more publicity, but there is this rumor going around that ...New version of Facebook for AndroidI've heard it said that Facebook for Android is not as good as Facebook for iPhone, but the new Andr...Google Android 1.0 SDK is Out
Google has an Android phone working already and it has an Android Market waiting to be filled with...

Using Facebook for SEO?
With over 500 million users and counting, Facebook is still the most popular social networking site in the world. Initially created to find long lost friends from school, it has now evolved into one of the most visited sites of all time, besting even number one search engine Google. If you are looking to use Facebook to know what your old classmates are up to or play some online games, then you will love it. For those intending to use Facebook for search engine optimization (SEO) improvement, then it becomes a little trickier.

Facebook Down DNS Error | Gather
Sep 23, 2010 Facebook was not available for a short while Thursday. Many users got a message that read, DNS Failure, when they tried to access Facebook. F

Facebook Integrates With Eventbrite, Still No Ticket Sales
Unfortunately, it seems that Facebook has yet to jump into the ticket sales market - a realm that seems ripe for the social context Facebook so easily provides. And with the continual evolution of Facebook Credits, we can only wonder - what's the hold up?

Facebook is down, farmvile crops suffer « Derangedshaman
Looks like Facebook is down right now, the internet is in a tizzy as social media giant tries to get things back up. I’m getting a DNS failure message while

Facebook Down, Like Buttons Vanish, Internet Implodes
If you're currently writing us an email to tip us that Facebook is down, you can stop -- we've gotten a few hundred of those in the past few minutes. Yes, Facebook appears to be down at the moment. I'm currently getting a DNS failure message (above), others are apparently seeing other things.

This is a problem not just because the site is down, but Facebook's omnipresent Like button is also completely down, so the entire Internet (or a good percentage of it) is feeling this pain. We've reached out to Facebook to see what is up. More to come.

Sep 23, 2010

FRIENDED: Facebook's Zuckerberg Gives $100M To New Jersey Schools
Mark Zuckerberg, the 26-year-old founder and chief executive of Facebook Inc., plans to announce a donation of up to $100 million to the Newark schools this week, in a bold bid to improve one of the country's worst performing public school systems.

11 Facebook Pages You Wouldn’t Believe Exist
Here are 11 absolutely crazy facebook pages - Who hates the sun??

Eventbrite Makes Events More Social By Meshing Deeper With Facebook
Online ticketing startup Eventbrite is amping up the social features of its service by creating deeper hooks with Facebook. When you purchase a ticket through Eventbrite you can already share that purchase with your Facebook friends. But now Eventbrite will be adding a deeper layer of integration with Facebook to power social event discovery.

Later today, when you log into Eventbrite with your Facebook ID, you will start to see all the Eventbrite events your Facebook friends are going to. It will show you a list of social recommendations based on the Eventbrite tickets your friends have bought and chosen to share publicly. It is all opt-in. Activities ned to be shared publicly on an event-by-event basis, and only if the event organizer has made the event itself public.

Facebook Photos of Stripper Car Wash Leave Cop Out of a Job
Where do police officers go when their fancy cruisers need some scrubbin' and lovin'? Why, a car wash run by bikini-clad strippers, of course! One officer in Moncks Corner, South Carolina, however, recently decided to take a picture of his police car getting the full treatment, and was stupid enough to post it on his Facebook profile.

Gmail Creator: Facebook Has The Potential To Be Worth More Than Google
“I believe many people were (and still are) significantly undervaluing Facebook equity. It has the potential to be worth more than Google,” Buchheit wrote.

Buchheit is an angel investor and co-founder of FriendFeed, the social aggregation and conversation service that Facebook acquired last year (he now works at Facebook doing well, something). But he’s perhaps best known as the key person behind the creation of Gmail for Google. He also had a hand in the creation of AdSense/AdWords as well — you know, the way Google makes all their money. Point is, when he compares Facebook to Google, it’s worth listening to. And that’s exactly what he did a couple days ago on Quora.

Facebook CEO becomes a topper in Forbes latest listing
Latest news shows that Facebook CEO Dustin Moskovitz Becomes a Topper in Forbes Listing. The CEO of most famous social network Face Book Dustin Moskovitz is the news addition in Forbes American’s top 400 richest.

Sep 22, 2010

Facebook's War On Startups With "Book" In Their Name Continues
Facebook's campaign against any company or product with 'book' in its title is still going strong.
The social network's lawyers just sent a letter to startup Where, Inc. demanding that it change the name of Placebook, a feature in its mobile app.
Writing on behalf of Facebook, Gavin L. Charlston of Cooley LLP asserts that Facebook "diligently polices against the use and attempted federal registration of such '_____BOOK' names in connection with facilitating online connections, sharing information, and related services in the field."
Translation: if you are in any way a Facebook competitor, you aren't allowed to have 'book' in your name.
Charlston points out that Facebook has already gone after OFFICEBOOK, FLICKBOOK, GEEZERBOOK, REDNECKBOOK, LAWYERBOOK, DOCTORBOOK, VETBOOK, TEACHBOOK, and a different PLACEBOOK.
Facebook is giving Where until October 5 to offer assurances that it has a plan for phasing out the Placebook name before it begins taking legal action.
Check out the full letter below:
Cooley Fax -- Facebook Trademark

Join the conversation about this story See Also:How To Protect Your Trademark During Facebook's Domain Name Land RushFlopped Social Network Sues Facebook

Facebook's Zuckerberg Now Richer Than Apple's Steve Jobs
New Facebook valuation makes Zuckerberg richer than Apple's Steve Jobs

Facebook Girl Of The Day – 9.14.10 | Hip-Hop Hater
Name: Sonya Facebook Link:
Welcome to a Facebook Page about Thank God. Join Facebook to start connecting with Thank God.

Increase Facebook Fans for FREE: Tips to Get 100 fans/Week
I'll show you the trick to increase or to get more fans for your facebook fanpage without paying a single penny. This is how i had increased my fan base for my blog within a week

Sep 21, 2010

Understanding How and Why Facebook Users Interact with Brands
Recent stats from e-mail marketing firm ExactTarget shed some light on how the Facebook population uses the site, and specifically, how it interacts with brands.

Google's weapons for Facebook fight
Google has quietly been stocking up on tools it will need to challenge Facebook in the social networking game, and says it's on the verge of launching a "social component" to a number of its core products.

Facebook Denies Rumors of Facebook Phone
The future of Facebook's expansion is likely to include a foray into mobile. A Facebook OS built off Android seems like a logical next step.

Apple And Facebook Talked For More Than A Year -- Then Apple Launched Ping Without Facebook's Help (AAPL)
Three weeks after Apple launched Ping, its new social networking service, Apple still hasn't been able to work out a deal with Facebook to integrate its vast social network into Ping.
And it looks like no deal is imminent, though the companies would still be smart to figure out some way to work together.
Before Apple launched Ping, its iTunes team was in talks with Facebook for 18 months or more, a source with knowledge of the talks tells us.
While we don't know the details of their discussions, it makes sense that Apple may have wanted to build Ping as a music-tracking and sales service on top of Facebook's social graph. This could have allowed Apple to get what it wanted out of the relationship -- more iTunes and iPod sales -- without having to build a social network from scratch.
But as Steve Jobs noted at the beginning of this month, while Facebook and Apple held talks about various types of partnerships, Facebook insisted on "onerous terms that we could not agree to" (via Kara Swisher). And as we now know, Apple then tried to install Facebook's public "Connect" log-in interface without a deal with Facebook, and Facebook blocked Apple.
From what we hear, this is the new sound of working with Facebook, which is now big enough -- and has such important data -- that it knows it's one of the most important companies in Silicon Valley.

"Working with Facebook as a large company is challenging at this stage, very similar to mid-late 90s Microsoft," says one Silicon Valley veteran.
That is, it's still working with symbiotic startups with little friction, but when it comes to working with big companies, it's increasingly demanding and abrasive. Recently, it has blocked Twitter from incorporating Facebook features into its service, it experienced growing pains in its relationship with FarmVille maker Zynga, and has also blocked Apple.
This comes as Facebook continues to grow at a very rapid pace, and as Apple and Facebook become increasingly competitive. Along with Google, you might even say they're lining up for war.
Besides Apple's moves into social networking and advertising, which are Facebook's core businesses, Facebook is also working on mobile phone software, which is one of Apple's most important businesses. So while Apple and Facebook have a long history -- Apple was Facebook's first big sponsor, via its Apple Students group -- the current relationship status is more like "it's complicated," to put it in Facebook terms.
There is could still be benefits to both sides to work out some sort of compromise. But as the two companies drift deeper into each others' core businesses, a big partnership looks less likely.
Related: Apple, Facebook, And Google Go To WarJoin the conversation about this story See Also:Apple, Facebook, And Google Go To WarHere's Why Facebook Is Secretly Building A Phone: It Needs To Be A Platform, Not Just A ServiceFacebook's Secret Phone Project: Here's What You Missed Over The Weekend

Facebook Places Now Live In The UK
According to a tipster and what were hearing on Twitter, Facebook Places is now live in the United Kingdom.

Facebook Places Goes Live in the UK
Facebook's location feature, dubbed Facebook Places, has launched in the UK today, one month after it went live in the U.S.Facebook is rolling out the feature for UK users gradually, meaning it may not be available for everyone immediately. To check it out, try tapping on the Facebook Places option on your Facebook for iPhone app, or on Facebook's mobile site you haven't used Places yet, it's a simple feature that lets you check into real-world locations through your Facebook profile, similar to the functionality offered by services such as Foursquare or Gowalla. For a detailed explanation on how to use Places, go here.Facebook again points out that the users have full privacy control, and that check-ins are defaulted to friends only (unless, of course, your master privacy setting is "everyone"). Also, minors will not appear in posts or check-ins to anyone except their friends, and users can remove any check-in from their phone or the web.We've seen reports that Places has launched in other European countries, too, but have not been able to confirm it.For more Social Media coverage:Follow Mashable Social Media on TwitterBecome a Fan on FacebookSubscribe to the Social Media channelDownload our free apps for iPhone and iPad

Facebook: We Are Not Building a Phone
Facebook denied rumors that it is developing a mobile device.

Bing to Add Facebook “Like” Data to Search?
Can data from Facebook’s increasingly ubiquitous “Like” buttons give Microsoft an advantage in the search wars? The software giant may be banking on it,

Facebook Is Secretly Building A Phone
Facebook is building a mobile phone, says a source who has knowledge of the project. Or rather, they're building the software for the phone and working with a third party to actually build the hardware. Which is exactly what Apple and everyone else does, too.

It was a little less than a year ago that we broke the news that Google was working on a phone of it's own - which was eventually revealed as the Nexus One. It was about that time, says out source, that Facebook first became concerned about the increasing power of the iPhone and Android platforms. And that awesome Facebook apps for those phones may not be enough to counter a long term competitive threat.

Specifically, Facebook wants to integrate deeply into the contacts list and other core functions of the phone. It can only do that if it controls the operating system.

Facebook Places launches in UK
Facebook has launched Facebook Places, its location sharing service, in the UK.

"The Social Network" script puts the Facebook generation on trial

Though it may not be science fiction, Facebook movie The Social Network does what all great SF does: It speculates about how new technologies are changing society. I've read through Aaron Sorkin's script, and it's a riveting amorality tale. Spoilers! More

In Shock Move, Google Starts Advertising On Facebook
We all know about the impending social war that is brewing up between Facebook and Google but today it has taken an interesting turn with Google starting to pay Facebook for advertising space on their platform to advertise their browser Google Chrome.
Its clear that Google are on a massive push to acquire users for its browser in its battle with Firefox, Safari and IE and although I have seen adverts for Chrome in all sorts of innovative places the last place in the world I expected to see them was on Facebook. I wonder how Microsoft (an investor in Facebook with a strategic partnership) feels about these ads given they would be one of the main competitors in the browser wars.
Id have to think that this is a bit of a PR blunder from Google and Im also surprised that the ads were approved by Facebook but I guess the only way of looking at it is that Facebook reckons Googles money is any good as anybodies. I guess the logic from Googles point of view is that they want to target a whole new audience and like the fact that they can target these ads by region and demographic which is why Facebook is as attractive a proposition as it is. If you cant beat em join em!

Original title and link for this post: In Shock Move, Google Starts Advertising On Facebook

Schmidt: We'll pull Facebook's data by hook or by crook
Google wants the data in Facebook and CEO Eric Schmidt isn't afraid to say that they'll find a way to get it.

Facebook Secretly Working on a Smartphone?
Facebook seems to be secretly planning on giving us a surprise: its own smartphone. Although the social networking site shrugged off similar reports published in TechCrunch, reliable sources over there say that Facebook is working on an OS and UI and has booked a third party manufacturer to build the phone.
Apparently, the constant progress of Apple iOS and Google Android is making Facebook wonder if its apps will be enough to keep up with the competition. Backed by 500 million loyal users, the worlds most popular social networking site is looking to consolidate its position further by deeply amalgamating itself into core phone functions. Plans are even on to change the way users approve or decline their friend requests.
The sources say that Facebook has put its two highest-level employees, Joe Hewitt and Matthew Papakipos, to work on the development to integrate the social networking features into users contact lists. Hewitt had previously worked with the original team that created Firefox and was working on Parakey, a web-based OS, before Facebook bought it in 2007. Since then, he has developed all of Facebooks iPhone web apps and native apps. Papikos holds credit to working on the Google Chrome OS before Facebook caught his fancy this year.
Speculations are on that Facebook is initially planning on an affordable phone, with the main intention being to bring people closer to their Facebook accounts.

Buy Facebook Poker Chips and Avoide Hack Facebook Poker
Do you want to buy Facebook Poker Chips? If so then come in because ZPChips is the number one when it comes to Cheap Facebook Poker Chips.

Facebook continues to surprise Google | BoundsCheck: A Technology Blog
You thought that no one could beat Google in terms of traffic or any other things. Facebook has topped Google yet again the most visited website. Facebook is a well known social networking site which includes more than 500 million registered users. Most of the users use Facebook to chat with their friends and family.

Facebook Alternative Diaspora Releases Initial Source Code
After announcing it back in August, the folks at Diaspora, an open-source Facebook alternative, have kept their promise, releasing the projects source code to developers Wednesday.Now that the code is open to everyone, could Diaspora become to Facebook what Firefox was to Internet Explorer? Despite Facebooks enormous popularity, many users have expressed concerns about their privacy on the social network, and changes to the site often provoke a backlash from users often to no avail.Diaspora could be different. As a community project by design, it will be far more open to users suggestions, which in the end might prove crucial to the overall experience.Still, its far from a finished product; the first alpha is slated for October, and hopefully the developers who will now be able to start working on the source code will further improve the founders original ideas.As far as features go, Diaspora currently supports sharing status messages and photos privately and in near real time, in addition to providing options for friending people and uploading photos and albums. All traffic that goes through Diaspora (except photos, for now) is signed and encrypted.When the alpha version launches in October, Diaspora should also have Facebook integration, internationalization as well as data portability. Disapora offers a more complete roadmap for the project on its website.What do you think of Diaspora so far? Could it become a serious alternative to Facebook and other popular social networks? Would you be willing to give up certain advanced features to have more privacy?Reviews: Facebook, Firefox, Internet ExplorerMore About: diaspora, facebook, social networkFor more Social Media coverage:Follow Mashable Social Media on TwitterBecome a Fan on FacebookSubscribe to the Social Media channelDownload our free apps for iPhone and iPad

Facebook Places goes live for the UK
Press F5. Were updating as we get more information.
Launching only a couple of weeks ago in the US, Facebook Places has finally shown its face to the UK audience. According to our UK staff members, they are seeing the service already on their mobile devices.
There is a conference, scheduled to start a few minutes from now, in the UK. We had thought that Places would be what was announced, and now it is all but certain.
Original title and link for this post: Facebook Places goes live for the UK

Facebook Places goes live in the UK
Facebook Places have gone live in the UK and it enables users to share their locations with their friends.

Why Mark Zuckerberg Should Fear the Facebook Movie
It's hard to feel sorry for a billionaire. But here I am, feeling bad for Mark Zuckerberg. If you see the "The Social Network" you're probably going to feel bad for him, too. I've seen the film, and can report back that it's just as rough on the Facebook CEO as his people feared it would be.
Welcome to the official Facebook Page about Knocksee: more than just a Video Chat. Join Facebook to start connecting with Knocksee: more than just a Video Chat.

How to Interact on Facebook Without Getting Blocked (Graphic)
One of the hardest lessons to learn in social networking is not how to choose the right profile picture, but how to interact with other people without coming off as a total creep. One of the easiest ways to avoid being labeled a creep in the world of social networking is to follow a strict set of Facebook DOs and DON’ts.

Facebook Places
Facebook has launched it's new location based service in the UK, 'Places'.

Facebook Places is much like other location based services such as Foursquare and Gowalla where you 'check-in' at locations from your mobile and see who among your friends have been, or are currently at the same location.

Places has been available in the US for a short while and is now available in the UK on the iPhone and other smartphone devices via Facebooks mobile website.

To see if you have access, install the Facebook for iPhone Application from the App Store or for other smartphones use the Facebook mobile website at

Select All Facebook Friends in one Click
How to select all Facebook Friends in one click? See this post and apply on your page or group and save your time.

How to: Integrating facebook in your Website
The facebook javascript SDK, the one we will be using for our app, enables us to access all of the features of the Graph API via JavaScript, and it provides a rich set of features like authentication and sharing.

Facebook to Change How You Process Friend Requests
On Facebook, you have two options for processing friend requests -- confirm or ignore. Today, we're learning that Facebook is replacing the Ignore button with

Facebook is Secretly Making a Phone | Technology News
Internal reports say that Facebook is building on a mobile phone. We are not sure as if they are making a software for mobile or actually working on hardware

The Facebook Movie is "One of the Must-See Films of the Year"
An early preview of The Social Network has had reviewers foaming at the mouth, with /Film's Peter Sciretta declaring it as his "favorite movie of the year (so far)." Yes, this is the film about Zuckerberg creating Facebook.

Would you buy a phone from Facebook?
A report, denied by the company, states Facebook is developing its own cell phone OS and physical phone. Who would buy a phone from a company that's never been responsible for a physical product?

Facebook Says Google May Start Social Networking Site
Facebook Inc., operator of the worlds most popular social-networking site, said Google Inc. may offer a similar service within six months as demand from Internet users increases.

Facebook Alternative Diaspora Releases Initial Source Code
After announcing it back in August, the folks at Diaspora, an open-source FacebookFacebook alternative, have kept their promise, releasing the project's source code to developers Wednesday.Now that the code is open to everyone, could Diaspora become to Facebook what FirefoxFirefox was to Internet ExplorerInternet Explorer? Despite Facebook's enormous popularity, many users have expressed concerns about their privacy on the social network, and changes to the site often provoke a backlash from users -- often to no avail.Diaspora could be different. As a community project by design, it will be far more open to users' suggestions, which in the end might prove crucial to the overall experience.Still, it's far from a finished product; the first alpha is slated for October, and hopefully the developers who will now be able to start working on the source code will further improve the founders' original ideas.As far as features go, Diaspora currently supports sharing status messages and photos privately and in near real time, in addition to providing options for friending people and uploading photos and albums. All traffic that goes through Diaspora (except photos, for now) is signed and encrypted.When the alpha version launches in October, Diaspora should also have Facebook integration, internationalization as well as data portability. Disapora offers a more complete roadmap for the project on its website.What do you think of Diaspora so far? Could it become a serious alternative to Facebook and other popular social networks? Would you be willing to give up certain advanced features to have more privacy?For more Social Media coverage:Follow Mashable Social Media on TwitterBecome a Fan on FacebookSubscribe to the Social Media channelDownload our free apps for iPhone and iPad
Welcome to a Facebook Page about Fat Loss Wars. Join Facebook to start connecting with Fat Loss Wars.

Windows Live iPhone app updated with better Facebook integration
Microsoft updated win live messenger for the iphone, brings facebook chat, other features, true multitasking.

General Motors Testing Facebook And Audio Texting With OnStar
General Motors has been pushing OnStar in their vehicles for what feels like forever. But the world has moved on, and the world now lives on Facebook and Twitter. And so, Facebook is coming to OnStar. Apparently that also involves adding Facebook audio updates, so users can hear the status updates of their friends without having to take their eyes off of the road...
Read More... - David Kirkpatrick: The Facebook Effect
Author David Kirkpatrick traces the story of the most powerful social networking tool of our day from its humble beginnings to its role as an international phenomenon. He is in conversation with TechCrunch's Michael Arrington.The Facebook Effect is the only book written with the full cooperation of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Started only six years ago, Facebook can now claim more than 400 million users and a potential valuation of $100 billion by 2015.Is an IPO forthcoming?

10 Amazing Facebook Applications That Make Fun on Your Friends Profile
Facebook is one of the most visiting social networking in internet. Facebook is not only use for chatting with your friends. It is a platform for making promotion, campaigning, online ad, services, development and sharing ideas. Developers Collaboration with Facebook network and make a very useful application for Facebook users.

8 Amazing Facts to put Facebook's Worth in Perspective [Infographic]
It was announced recently that Facebook's total worth has reached up to a humongous $33 Billion and to add it more Facebook has even passed Google in page views. To put this huge amount into perspective, folks at AllFacebook have designed an interesting infrographic with 8 astounding facts that puts Facebook's $33 Billion valuation into perspective.

Update Your Facebook Status While Driving Seriously!
OnStar, the in-car services network, today announced a new service which allows you to update your Facebook status by dictating to the OnStar. And not only that, you can listen to the most recent updates from your news feeds via OnStar.This is a way for the company to expand and add more features in addition to its Automatic Crash Response and navigation services.
The company is working on integrating web-based services like Google Maps into its core offering. I think it is cool to see a staid old company like GM trying to add social networking to OnStar.