Nov 24, 2010

Facebook Alternative Diaspora Launches Their Private Alpha With Some Bet Hedging
We've been tracking the progress of Diaspora, the open-source Facebook alternative, since before the project even started. That's because the idea got so much buzz on the crowdsourced micro-funding site Kickstarter, that they were able to turn a goal of raising $10,000 in 39 days into $200,000 from 6,500 backers in the same timeframe. But with such high expectations, you have to deliver. And many expressed doubts that the small team of college students could do that.

After the money came in, the team sequestered themselves for the Summer to work on the project. Despite some hiccups, they were able to unveil the source of the project in September to mixed reviews. Meanwhile, a user-facing alpha launch was promised for October. That came and went, and they pushed the launch to Thanksgiving. Well, we're two days away from turkey day, and Diaspora has delivered this time.