Dec 6, 2010

Full Details On Facebook’s Overhauled Profile Pages
Earlier today 60 minutes gave a bit of a preview of its interview with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and VP Product Chris Cox. The video shows a glimpse of a redesigned profile page — a big deal given that these profiles are really core to the social network. Well, we've got the full rundown on what's new and what's changing. Read on.

There are two big themes to the revamped design: a bigger emphasis on keeping things visually interesting, and streamlining the design to make it easier to find information people actually care about. Facebook Product Manager Peter Deng explains that on the old profiles, some of the most popular features and information has been a pain to find — the 'View more photos' link, for example, is immesely popular, but it's been nestled between far less important links for years.