Oct 11, 2010

Frequent, Unimportant Updates Lead to Facebook De-Friendings

Our happy hour fact to amaze your drinking buddies with.

Flooding your friends' Facebook news feeds with trivial messages is the number one way to get yourself un-friended.

Christopher Sibona, a PhD student at the University of Colorado, Denver, surveyed 1,500 Facebook users on Twitter (holy Web 2.0!) about what sort of behaviors lead to them trimming their friends list. Coming in second, after pointless status updates, was discussing controversial subjects, like politics or religion. The third-most cited reason for de-friending someone was crude posts or inappropriate language.

Sibona also found that 27 percent of un-friendings are due to offline behavior.

While we're surprised that too many updates about your kids didn't make this list, we guess that probably just gets dumped in the "unimportant" category. ...