Oct 3, 2010

WARNING: Facebook Like Worm Spreading Through Javascript Exploit

Thousands of Facebook users are being attacked by a nasty Facebook worm that forces you to like a Facebook page. Its spreading like wildfire.According to SocialToos Jesse Stay, the scammers have figured out a way to exploit the Like button via Javascript and are using it to force users to like the page, thus spreading it inadvertently through postings on Facebook walls.The result is thousands of wall posts for a page entitled Shocking! This girl killed herself after her dad posted this photo. Unfortunately, this is not the first time weve heard of such an exploit, but according to Facebook Search, a lot of people have been affected.Do not click any of these links or go to this Facebook page. It will force you to like the page and spread the worm further. Weve put an e-mail out to the Facebook team for more information.More About: facebook, warning