Jan 17, 2011

Facebook Too Shall Pass

We're leaving Facebook by the droves, we're terrified of what the website is doing to our daily lives, how it's using our data to create the most fine-grained graph of the world's personal connections, and utterly perplexed, and, especially after the past few years, a little bit worried, that it could possibly be valued at $50 billion. _It is, after all, just a website._

JK. We're not really leaving Facebook. And most of our concerns about the site - ranging from privacy controls to its valuation - tend to flitter away as fast as your News Feed. Like our best friendships, Facebook is forever.

And yet, it _is_ just a website, and one as susceptible to the viccictudes of the open web as any other giant web site before it. At least that's Douglass Rushkoff's point in