Jan 27, 2011

Your Face(Book) vs. The Corporate Machine

It happens every few months: someone sees something a little too personal on Facebook and freaks out. This time, Wired magazine has profiled Facebook’s newest advertising efforts, which will (according to user reaction) actually crawl through your window at night, x-ray your soul, look through your weird porn collection, and use this information to sell stuff to your buddies using your startled, sleepy visage. So, when ads for LatexMomFetish.com featuring your face start running along the right side of your church group’s Facebook profile, don’t be upset. You’ve been warned. Maybe I’m in the minority, but I don’t mind having things sold to me. Today, the ads along the side of my Facebook homepage reflected websites which dealt with police auctions, depression and Star Wars, all of which is pretty damned accurate.