Jan 14, 2011

Palin's Facebook: A Call to Grammar

What do you do when your supporters can't talk good or know stuff? I’m not here to fulminate about Sarah Palin’s irresponsibly violent imagery and lexicon. It’s polarizing enough without adding fuel to the anger, and I’ve already lost a few Facebook acquaintances over the whole ordeal, so let that be my sacrifice to the eGods and call it a day. I didn’t want to sleep on those couches anyway. Sure, Republican couches are extravagantly expensive and lush, but you look under the cushions and there’re all kinds of hooker ears and dirty needles wedged between the pages of German horse porn. No, I’m here to reveal the most deliciously ironic statement ever written on the community page of a politician who is not exactly noted for her intelligence or use of sentence structure, or coherence, or words that actually exist. “M. E. Reynolds: Sarah, I have readed both of your books.” This is where I insert a very slow clap and an enormous, self-satisfied grin.